20 Pics That Show the Power of Time
Carly Tennes
Though time may famously heal all wounds, the passage of days, weeks and years has yet another side effect — altering clothing, tools and even buildings as we know them.
From hats to century-old staircases, here are 20 pics that prove the power of time.
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1. Honest Abe
Courtesy of admania on Reddit“Abraham Lincoln Before And After The Civil War.” -
2. Hats Off
Courtesy of scythe-volta on Reddit“Hat after year of constant use (left) vs brand new one (right).” -
3. More Cowbell
Courtesy of Wise-Lettuce-1127 on Reddit“Our school's cowbell after 20 years of use.” -
4. Earn Your Stripes
Courtesy of angelmr2 on Reddit“Someone said my tiger belongs here. New and old childhood toy.” -
5. Fixer Upper
Courtesy of Henness0666 on Reddit“Before and after of my 8-year project (1972 Datsun 240z Restomod).” -
6. Feeling Pressed
Courtesy of STYSCREAM on Reddit“My numpad enter button at work.” -
7. Stairway to Heaven
Courtesy of Ash_Mikely on Reddit“The stairwell in my 200-year-old tenement building.” -
8. Totally Tubular
Courtesy of SpiderSixer on Reddit“My Germolene that I've kept in my backpack for years vs a newly-bought one.” -
9. Instrumental Wear
Courtesy of YeshMesh_ARt on Reddit“Trumpet that, after years of playing, sweat has eroded the silver plating.” -
10. Take a Leak
Courtesy of an unknown Redditor“This leaky pipe from the flat roof has eroded the brick.” -
11. Sun Bleached
Courtesy of Eagleassassin3 on Reddit“This carpet (bought in 1992) lost its red where it was exposed to sunlight.” -
12. Leather Wear
Courtesy of MrAnwesend on Reddit“Leatherman Leather Holster.” -
13. Looking Sharp
Courtesy of creamynute11a on Reddit“2 years of daily use as a marine mechanic vs a coworkers brand new one.” -
14. Penciled In
Courtesy of aras773 on Reddit“Ma wife's still usable pencil.” -
15. In The Pocket
Courtesy of arthurlbrown on Reddit“Rectangular outline from years of phones being in this pocket.” -
16. Stooped Down
Courtesy of milkcloudsinmytea on Reddit“Well-worn and vandalized steps of an abandoned building in Lisbon.” -
17. Staying Sharp
Courtesy of theyllfindmeiknowit on Reddit“Before and after 41 years of sharpening (found at knife store in Kyoto).” -
18. Keeper of Keys
Courtesy of chinto30 on Reddit“Before and after 36 years of wear on gorilla keyring.” -
19. Zipping Around
Courtesy of nothing_fancy21 on Reddit“1995 zippo, before and after. One day it will look like it did before the sanding and polish.” -
20. Seattle Skyline
Courtesy of whenyoucantthinkof on Reddit“Seattle before and after removing the Alaskan Way Viaduct in 2020.”
- 20 Pics That Show the Power of Time
Honest Abe
“Abraham Lincoln Before And After The Civil War.”
“Abraham Lincoln Before And After The Civil War.”